Self-Diagnosis Function for Analog Detectors As the Fire Alarm Panel always checks analog detectors for contamination and deterioration, it can notify of trouble when any faulty detector is found. A self-Diagnosis function is employed to maintain the reliability of detectors and to judge their replacement time.【アナログ感知器を自己診断】アナログ感知器の汚れや劣化を監視し、異常時には受信機が異常警報を発します。この機能により感知器の信頼性を保つとともに、交換時期の判断にも役立ちます。Maximum of 8 Loops and 792 Addresses The system can closely monitor the protected areas as it has a maximum of 8 loops and 792 addresses (up to 99 addresses per loop).【最大8ループ、792アドレスに対応】集中監視型で1ループあたり99アドレスまで接続可能です。Immunity to False Alarms A false alarm may be initiated in places where smoke emitted from a cigarette, or similar source, may temporarily collect. In such places the alarm verification function of the Fire Alarm Panel can reduce false alarms, increasing the reliability of the whole system.【非火災報の発生を抑制】タバコの煙などが一時的に滞留する場所では、非火災報が発生する場合があります。このような場所に対しては火災受信機の蓄積機能を使用することで非火災報を抑制し、システムの信頼性を高めることができます。Less Manpower During Maintenance due to Automatic Resetting of Fire Alarm Compared to the conventional system which requires at least two people during maintenance procedures (on both the Fire Alarm Panel and terminal equipment sides), it is possible to save a worker on the Fire Alarm Panel side of this system since the Fire Alarm Panel has an automatic resetting function to automatically reset fire alarms.【火災警報自動復旧機能により試験時の省力化を実現】 保守点検の際、従来の感知器作動試験では火災受信機側/端末側の最低2名の人手が必要になります。保守点検用の自動復旧機能を使用することで火災警報は自動的に復旧しますので、受信機側の人手を省くことができます。Signal Output of General Emergency Alarm A GENERAL EMERGENCY ALARM Switch can be directly connected to the Fire Alarm Panel. When the switch is operated, a contact signal for a general emergency alarm (7-short and 1-long sounds) is output.【一般非常警報用接点信号の出力】 一般非常警報スイッチを直接、受信機に接続することができます。一般非常警報スイッチ操作時、七短一長音鳴動用接点信号が出力されます。Configuration Database is Easy to Create and Edit for the Fire Alarm Panel By installing NOHMI’s dedicated PCCP software in a personal computer, it is easy to change the configuration data settings, for example, addition or modification of terminal equipment and protected areas. ・PCCP =PC Configuration Program・Specifications of personal computer for PCCP software: Operating system = Windows 2000/VISTA/XP/7, Communications port = RS232C(Use an exclusive cable)【火災受信機内設定データの変更が容易】パソコンにノーミ製ソフトPCCPをインストールすることにより、端末機器および区画の追加変更などを容易に行えます。 ・PCCP =PC Configuration Program・PCCP用パソコン仕様= オペレーティングシステム:windows 2000/VISTA/XP/7, 通信ポート:RS232C(専用ケーブルによる)The analog addressable marine fire detection & alarm system is of centralized monitoring type, which can be connected with up to 792 addresses spread over 8 loops (99 addresses per loop).The system is highly flexible and is compatible with any size ship. A large variety of terminal equipment can be connected to the fire alarm panel. Therefore, by combining panels, it is possible to configure an optimal system for a ship of any use or structure.This system is highly reliable, complying with the requirements of SOLAS and other various maritime classification societies.Optimal System can be Configured for Ships of Any Use or StructureWe give shape to the "FUTURE OF FIRE SAFETY"
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